miércoles, 24 de abril de 2019

My favorite technological device

My favorite technological device is my dj controller, I try to use it everyday when I'm coming home early because since the day that I got it, I decided to learned how to used it properly. I can create remixes and play with the music, that is one of the things that captivates me since I was a child. My dj controller is my favorite device because I tried to learned before to play instruments but no one kept my atention and I'm usually bored fast but with the dj controller the possibilities for me are unlimited. Other thing that I like about my controller it's that makes me feel excited with music, because I mixed music for dance and I really enjoy doing this. I hope to be better in the future and learn more about this amazing activity.

4 comentarios:

  1. Well I think that you are an amazing dj, cause you make great music remixes, and i love that your music selection includes Pop and Reggaeton, what a good convention!

  2. Ohhhh.... :o Amazing, I did not know of the existence of a DJ control, it must be super captivating since you can make so many mixes, I imagine it and it must be great, I hope that in the future you will be a great DJ.

  3. you are the best dj! i remember those days when we working in 22 room with Pathy Del Sing teacher


  4. I'd love to hear something about what you've created with your dj controller! I wish you a lot of inspiration and energy to continue in that <3
