martes, 25 de junio de 2019

Nerikomi: Really fun !!

The last year I decided to register in ceramics the second semester of my second year on the university. When I decided this I was scary about this subject because I always saw my friends long hours in the workshop of the faculty but his results was brilliant and I was excited about that. 
So in this semester that was my central workshop and here I learned about nerikomi. That was my favorite, with this technique you can create geometric and random patterns with the help of oxides that are from differents metals like copper, iron, chrome,etc. and pigments that are from chemicals. Like you will see in this photos below.
The activity that we had to realise was made a ball full of pieces of nerikomi. I decided to make a ball that was inspired by suculents, cactus and other patterns of nature that have geometric structure but has a organic sense. Saddly in don't have photos of the work but it was a beautiful experience with the colors and forms. 
If you want to try this technique you will suprise by all the things you can create! 

PS: Sometimes nerikomi looks like a sushi roll because you have to wrap the differentes masses with pigments and oxides inside a clay to make the pattern  and cut like a piece of sushi.



1 comentario:

  1. I've seen a lot of posts on Instagram about this technique and I'd love to learn it!
