s谩bado, 29 de junio de 2019

Faster writer

When we started the course and the teacher said that we had to write a blog I was like OMG I don't want to do this it's so boring and I'm a terrible person writing (In case you have not noticed). In the beggining I remember that the instruction of the first blog was write around 130 words It takes me all the hour of the course to write that post was really hard but after I finished I felt happy and relaxed... then I remember that I have to coment three post of my mates 馃槹馃槹馃槹 again I take me an eternity but I did it.
With the time I realized that my mates blogs entertains me, they wrote about so many things that i didn't knew.
Comment and read the coments was really funny because I can joke with my closest mates 馃檴
I became a better writer, more creative about the topics and the gadgets that I add (I enjoy to put images and gifs in the post) and most important I became faster writter in english!! (even if sometimes I forgot to write the post on time馃槄) like daft punk says "Work it harder, make it better. Do it faster, makes us stronger"
Resultado de imagen para crazy typing meme gif
Me now
PS: this is the last blog and I realized that you can add emoji 馃様
Thanks to all for read my post, anonymous duck!

My favorite food

As I said in another post lentils are my favorite food. Even before I became a vegan I always loved legums (this is my protein source), but my favorite ones is stewed lentils simple because I love the taste, the way that my mom prepare this plate and the most important is nutritious, cheap and easy to prepare. The way that I prepare this plate is like my mom but with some modifications. You have to soak the lentils for eight hours and then boil this lentils with pumpkin. In other pot you have to make a fried mix of some vegetables (any of your preference) but always with onion, carrot and do not forget to put salt and spices. When the lentils and the pumpkin are ready you throw the half of the water, put the vegetables in there mix everything with a bunch of rice and cook until the rice is ready and BOOM!

I  add some chard because this vegetable has iron! an important nutrient for us, body and blood.

I know that the most of people do not like legums but I invite you to try it in other forms not only in soup or stew. If you do not like lentils you can try with chickpeas making hummus or falafels and beans to make hamburguers and sauces 

martes, 25 de junio de 2019

Nerikomi: Really fun !!

The last year I decided to register in ceramics the second semester of my second year on the university. When I decided this I was scary about this subject because I always saw my friends long hours in the workshop of the faculty but his results was brilliant and I was excited about that. 
So in this semester that was my central workshop and here I learned about nerikomi. That was my favorite, with this technique you can create geometric and random patterns with the help of oxides that are from differents metals like copper, iron, chrome,etc. and pigments that are from chemicals. Like you will see in this photos below.
The activity that we had to realise was made a ball full of pieces of nerikomi. I decided to make a ball that was inspired by suculents, cactus and other patterns of nature that have geometric structure but has a organic sense. Saddly in don't have photos of the work but it was a beautiful experience with the colors and forms. 
If you want to try this technique you will suprise by all the things you can create! 

PS: Sometimes nerikomi looks like a sushi roll because you have to wrap the differentes masses with pigments and oxides inside a clay to make the pattern  and cut like a piece of sushi.