viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

Pinterest, the app for ideas and tips.

In this post I'm going to talk about an app that helped me in my career. This app is called Pinterest. 

In this app you can search images of differents topics, make your own selection of images and hashtags, looks like a blog. This app helps me when I don't know what to do in my proyects because I can search images that have relation with my job or my idea and search differents solutions for my proyects. One of the con about this app is that sometimes doesn't have so much art referents and most of the ideas looks like crafts, I think it is because doesn't have much filters and the app offers populars images based on users. But all is not so bad because this app helps me with other things like how to grow and take care of differents plants, what to do for eat with vegan recipes, information about crystals and precious stones, tattoos, etc. Sometimes even I spend hours looking for funny animal photos in the application at night for make memes or use it in my profile photo. Its a great app! 

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2019

Behind the Photograph

The history behind this photo is about friendship, nature and connection. In summer 2018 , me and my best friend Constanza (we know each other since first grade) decided to go to the south of Chile on a backpacking trip. She was on Valdivia and I arrived a few days later. When I arrived we decided to start our backpacking.
The fourth day we camp on a camping called "el gringo" in Ensenada and one of that days we went to the shore of the Osorno lake and from there we could saw the volcano and his magical beauty.
That day was very weird because we don't talked to much, the only thing that we did was listened bomba estereo and that day we promised to go to the concert together because that experience made our friendship grew. The photo was taken by me and all of you can see the magical beauty of this landscape. 
Bonus photo of my tired friend. 
Eating bread with marmalade. the only thing that we ate that day because we forgot to buy gas.