martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019


My pet name is Thor is one of my three dogs I choose to talk about him because is the first that came to our home. He is a male yorkshire so he looks like other dogs but the particular thing that he has is floppy ears so sometimes people said to us: he is not a real yorkshire! because most of these dogs have their ears up but we don't care about that much. he is a medium size dog he weight between 4-6 kilograms (I consider that medium). He is 4 years old and his birthday is on april 1 that means he is an Aries, but a lovely aries because he loves affection and that people scratch his paunch.
Thor was a gift that my parents gave us (me and my sister) when my parents gave us the news I saw Thor and I was very angry because I did not feel prepared to take care of a dog and my parents bought this pet like he was a thing and I did not agree with that practice but with the time this little dog melt my heart and our relationship became more strong prove of that is that I became vegan